Sunday, March 15, 2009

Three Days of Syllamo Mini-Race Report

Due to an extremely severe ice storm in February a lot of the trail system was damaged (the number of downed trees is just unbelievable). The race director worked hard to provide chalenging and rugged terrain with much less trail available to him than in the past. He did a great job and the race was still awesome!

Day One: 26 miles in 4:55. Got lost for about ten minutes. Rest of run was great! About 20 miles of single track, 6 miles of hilly, steep jeep roads.

Day Two: 50 miles in 10:06. Last 10 miles were tough! At mile 5 we had to cross a COLD, waist-deep creek, twice. On the second trip I slipped and put my hands and arms plus my chest in the water, up to my shoulders. BRRR! Except for that I did not fall and I did not throw up! :) 38 minute PR for 50 miles. About 30 miles of single track, 20 miles of hilly, steep jeep roads.

Day Three: 20k in 2:12. At miles 5 and 7 we crossed the same waist-deep creek. Managed to stay on my feet this time but the route I took got me in water up to my belly button! Lots of mud on the trails today, sloshing and splashing. Almost lost a shoe twice. Overall a great day to be on the trails and alive. 11.4 miles of single track, 1 mile of hilly jeep road/highway shoulder.

Overall: 88.4 miles in 17:13 (unofficially). After day two I was 19th out of 39 stage runners. We'll see where I end up.

I'll follow-up with a more detailed race report once I get my head around the weekend and get pictures developed. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

Marshall I am proud of you for all that you do. I hope you are feeling OK. Love Dad

Mark C. Smith, "The Naked Runner" said...

WOW! Congrats on such a great PR!! Sounds like you had a blast! I'm a big wuss when it comes to cold, especially cold WATER up to my belly button! I would have chopped down a tree and ran across it..............and I'M A TREE HUGGER!! haha Great job, Marshall! Peace!

Darren Ritch said...

Marshall, You are awesome! Its incredible what you are doing, I am going to add you to my bloglist. All of us survivors thank you for your efforts and I wish your Dad the very best!

Darren Ritch